


Star Picket Driver Multifunction Handle Kit

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Product Details

The Crommelins Star Picket Multi Function Handle is designed to make your Crommelins Star Picket Driver more versatile.

With its secondary throttle located on top of the handle, this kit enables you to use Crommelins Star Picket Driver at much lower heights and drive shorter pickets and posts without strain. The multi function handle also makes it easy to drive at different angles. Ensuring whatever the environment or conditions, you can complete the job!

This kit suits models SP52CH, SP82CH, SPX52HP and the SPX82HP.

  • Fabricated steel
  • Powdercoated
  • Multi function handle
  • Secondary throttle to drive shorter posts / pickets
  • Angle driving
  • Model Number PDXHDKITE
    Brand Crommelins
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Star Picket Driver Multifunction Handle Kit
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